In the old days of Kings who rules with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, medicated through humor. Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

The way we communicate with others is such a habitual part of us that we rarely stop and think of it. This translates into business communication as well. Organizations after all, are not faceless entities but groups of real people.

The smooth and efficient functioning of an enterprise entirely depends upon the effectiveness of the system of communication. It is the very heart of the process of business-communication is a necessary basis of direction and leadership. Communication actuates people to action in accordance with the desire of organizations.

Without proper communication, performance and achievements of the goals may not be possible. It is essential to secure cooperation between any two persons.

Business communication is the process of sharing information between employees within and outside a business entity.

Effective business communication is how employees and management interact among each other to reach organizational or business goals and be aligned with the core business values.

The main purpose of business communication is to improve organizational practices, eliminate silos, keep employees informed and reduce errors.

Effective business communication is essential for success and growth of every business. Unlike everyday communication, business communication is always goal oriented.

Effective communication affects processes, efficiency and every layer of a business.

Organizations with connected employees have a spike in productivity of up to 25%. This certainly has a great impact on productivity and impact revenue and business growth.

Businesses ought to focus on communication while running their operations as a means to drive their growth and productivity. These are some reasons why effective communication is important for the growth and business sustainability;

Build productive teams;

Employees believe that effective internal business communication helps their job performance.

Moreover, an average employee spends about two and a half hours every day searching for information they required. Monthly, this results in the entire week of time loss to find something that should be at employees’ fingertips.

Open communication therefore ensures that all members of teams know and understand their responsibilities-this inspires team productive. Moreover, communicating professionally and respectfully develops a robust and positive atmosphere at work.

Better customer relations;

Communicating effectively with internal and external clients is one essential means to create customer loyalty in a business hence ensure the growth and sustainability of a business.

It is imperative that businesses listen and understand their clients’ needs and provide them with excellent customer service through listening and answering to their inquiries. Businesses should be attentive polite and kind while attending to their clients’ needs.

Improve employee engagement;

Leadership communication is the top internal communication factor that statistically correlates to how engaged employees are.

Internal communication teams have a significant role in supporting, coaching and reminding leaders of communication’s importance as a means of driving team productivity.

Encourage feedback;

Effective communication inspires trust and confidence in the workplace-people in the workplace feel more confident speaking to each other- giving them the opportunity to express their ideas about the operations to the management.

The trust and confidence ensures that management and employees share feedback with regards to how well the company’s policies are performing.

Eliminate communication silos;

A lot of irrelevant content often results in information silos-information that is relevant to an employee and /or clients can easily get lost.

Proper internal and external business communication and the use of the right communication tools is crucial for eliminating this challenge.

Helps enforce rules;

 Each business has a set of policies and regulations that should be followed for the business to succeed. The format of communication is more than just writing a company manual and sending it to the staff. It is more of communicating the expectations and policies of the business at all times and revisiting how these policies affect the staff and client.

Build a better company culture;

Proper business communication is crucial for building a better organizational culture and workplace environment.

While companies that communicate transparently have a much better and healthier atmosphere, with motivated and satisfied employees, organizations that neglect business communications as a means for improving the workplace culture, suffer from low engagement, high turnover rates and low employee and customer satisfaction.

Clearly, there are plenty of reason why effective communication can contribute to your businesses success. No matter how big or small your business is, having constant communication can have a significant impact on productivity, employee satisfaction and revenue growth and sustainability-communication plays a significant role in business growth and sustainability.