“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill.

Was it something we did? Was it something we didn’t do? Omissions and commissions are some of the questions that fundraisers and fundraising organizations ask themselves when their respective donors drop off their giving radars-these are tough questions.

Donors drop off for myriad of reasons. However, if a an entity’s donor fall off becomes a trend, it could simply mean that the donor perception of the organization has changed hence the need to exit. Which should prompt organizations to look into what the issues are.

The average donor retention rate tends to range at about forty five (45%) percent. The trend is influenced by various reasons as to why donors who have donated regularly and consistently to an organization might suddenly stop giving.

One way to establish whether the exit is a trend is having an organization make a comparison of the time the donors left and the last contribution within the respective periods. Then compare to the events prior to the exodus-was there an economic downturn as we have experience in the pandemic that may have changed the donor’s financial position, change of leadership in an organization- answers to these question will form a great start to unraveling the donor departure.

Most of the time, donors stop giving for reasons that could be addressed – these reasons stem from lack of or breakdown of communication between the donors and their non-profits. These range from personal reasons to events or activities that happen in organizations such as change of leadership.

While donors leave for various reasons, these are some of the cross cutting ones across sectors and organizations;


Complicated donor process;

A complicated donor process just like any other complicated process breaks down or is simply dropped by the parties engaged.

This could be as a result of tedious engagements- too long, too slow-broken links, long and too many forms to complete as well as outdated systems and procedures that can be an impediment to the entire donor retention process.

Organization should therefore strive to make their donor processes and procedures not just enjoyable but swift and and easy to complete in a few clicks.


Change in donor interests;

Understanding your non-profit’s donor motivations is an important determinant on an entity’s donor management process. This’ is an import determinant of respective donor policies, goals and choices that define their interests and trajectories.

Ensuring that an organization works with their donors’ interest in mind also goes a long way to ensure that they keep their donors longer.


They didn’t fee like their contribution mattered;

Donors just like any other individual and entities ought to feel like they matter and are appreciate greatly for the impact they make in causes of the organizations they gift, however little or enormous their donations.

Failing to acknowledge a donor’s contribution- size not withstanding- is one of the grave mistakes non-profits make in the course of their fundraising processes.

Just as detrimental as not acknowledging the difference your donors contribution makes is generic communication hence the need to write to individual donors and speak to the causes they support to the highest level possible, nobody whats to feel like a drop in a a giant basket.

It’s also important to appreciate your donors beyond the money they contribute to your organization as a means to have them longer.


Lack of trust in the organization;

Trust and transparency are paramount to an organization’s fundraising and donor management process- it’s your make or break.

Donors need to know and trust that their resources to respective organizations are actually utilized for the intended purpose. The more transparent a non-profit is, the more they build trust among their donors and other stakeholders which then builds towards their success and sustainability.

The more organizations break down and have their expenditure reports availed to the public, the higher they build and sustain their credibility among their donors and stakeholders.


Change in donor financial position;

Monies, however little contribute towards great achievements for non-profits’ excellence. However, sometimes donors say they can’t afford to donate which is hardly the case especially if they have donated towards a cause consistency over a period of time.

Non the less, economic melt downs could affect how much and how often donors donate to causes they believe in as we have witnessed within the Covid-19 pandemic period. Some donors’ ability to give could be affected by their financial positions through such periods.


They weren’t asked to give again;

Many a times, donors could show up, give towards causes in organizations in different sectors of the economy and while they could be willing and are able to give towards the causes over and over, organizations fail to ask for the gifts.

This then means organizations should ask for gifts and maintain their relations with their donors as a means to ensure that their donors give more and consistently towards causes they believe in.

As Winston Churchill then says, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Giving and gifting are central issues to the sustainability of non-profits. The processes that determine whether donors give and consistently do so should then be managed with utmost commitment by the patties involved.